Coding Made Easy with ChatGPT: Your Personal Tutor"

Coding Made Easy: Let ChatGPT Be Your Personal Tutor

In today’s digital world, it is essential knowing how to code. Coding can help you find good jobs in software development and improve your ability to solve problems. But learning to code can be hard, especially if you are just starting. That’s where ChatGPT can help you to achieve your goal.

ChatGPT is a software that uses Artificial Intelligence and generates answers according to your given instructions. So, it can be helpful in teaching code. It can act like a personal tutor, making learning more accessible and more fun. So, by the end of this article you will understand how to Code using ChatGPT.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a really smart computer program made by OpenAI. It understands how people talk like a human. It generates human-like responses. It can do many things like creating chatbots, writing articles, translating languages and even helping with coding. It’s like having a super helpful assistant!

Sign Up to OpenAI account

Before you start using ChatGPT, there are a few things you need to do. To sign up for an OpenAI account, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the OpenAI website.
  2. Click on the SignUp or “Create Account” button.
  3. Enter yor email address in the provided field.
  4. Choose a strong and secure password for your account.
  5. Click on the “Sign Up” button.
  6. You may receive a verfication email to confirm your email address.
  7. Once your email is verified, you will be redirected to the OpenAI website to complete the setup.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  9. After completing the setup, your OpenAI account will be created.

Now You have to visit ChatGPT official website to use ChatGPT.

Here is a video demonstration of how to make OpenAI account.

How to Learn Coding With ChatGPT?

Structuring Input for ChatGPT

To make ChatGPT give you better answers, you need to tell it clearly what you want. If you have a big question or task, it’s better to split it into smaller parts and ask one by one.

This helps ChatGPT understand you better and give you more accurate and helpful responses. If you’re interested in learning more about how ChatGPT was trained, you can check out the guide on “How ChatGPT was trained”. So keep your instructions simple and straightforward and break down complex things into smaller questions for the best results.

Let’s take some examples to help you understand how to structure your input for ChatGPT effectively:

Example 1 – Complex Question:

Not Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, can you tell me everything about web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, and best practices?”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, can you explain the basics of HTML?”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, what are the key features of JavaScript?”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, which frameworks are commonly used in web development?”

By breaking down the complex question into smaller parts, ChatGPT can give more focused and accurate responses to each specific topic, rather than providing a broad and potentially overwhelming answer.

Example 2 – Multi-part Task:

Not Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, please write a Python program that reads a CSV file, performs data cleaning, analyzes the data, and generates visualizations.”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, can you provide me with a Python code to read a CSV file?”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, how can I clean data in Python?”

Effective: “Hey ChatGPT, what are some popular Python libraries for data analysis and visualization?”

By splitting the multi-part task into smaller questions, ChatGPT can address each step separately, making it easier for you to understand and apply the information.

Use Relevant Code Prompts

When you begin coding, using code prompts that match what you want to do can make things faster and better. Code Prompts are like giving ChatGPT some hints about what you need. When you do this, ChatGPT can generate code that fits your needs exactly.

It’s like helping ChatGPT to do it’s task in a better way. It also helps you code more quickly and get things done faster. So, using relevant code prompts makes coding easier and boosts your productivity.

For example: I want to make navbar which will have three links and has yellow background color. I can give prompt like this way. “Give me a code of navbar with three links and yellow navbar.”

ChatGPT will give you a code for navbar. If you want to understand the code just tell ChatGPT to explain the code. It will explain the code step by step. In this way, you can learn coding with the use of it.

Iterative Refinement

ChatGPT may not always provide perfect code right away. Instead of expecting perfection from the beginning, it suggests using an “iterative approach.” This means you interact with the chatbot multiple times, refining your prompts and instructions to generate outcome that is best and relevant to your prompt.

By doing so, ChatGPT will become more accurate and reliable in generating the relevant code. This is because it learns from the feedbacks during the iterative process. Remember, ChatGPT is learning from mistakes and improving it’s outcome day by day.

Handling Errors

Even though ChatGPT is very good at generating code, it can still make mistakes. So, it’s essential to carefully check the code it produces and make sure it is correct. Reviewing is very important to ensure whether ChatGPT have given correct code or not. This process is called “rigorous testing.”

The process of testing code help us to improve the reliability of the code which means we can trust it to work properly in various situations. It’s like checking and double-checking the code to ensure it functions correctly and meets our expectations.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Coding

Enhanced Productivity

Using ChatGPT for coding tasks can be a time-saver for developers. The chatbot is capable of quickly generating code snippets. Instead of writing code from scratch, developers can rely on ChatGPT to provide them piece of code, making their work faster.

Developers can focus on other important aspects of their projects and complete tasks more quickly. It’s like having an intelligent coding assistant that can produce code and save developer’s time and effort.

For example: If you want to make a button, instead of writing code from scratch you can write the prompt about the button and its style. ChatGPT will give you the code and save your time.

Learning and Skill Development

When you interact with ChatGPT for coding tasks, you have the opportunity to learn new coding techniques and patterns. This experience helps you improve your coding skills and become better at solving problems.

ChatGPT can provide you ideas for coding which can apply in your own projects. It’s like having a knowledgeable coding platform that guides you and helps you grow as a programmer.

For example: You want to understand the following code. You will simply type “Explain this code” in the prompt. ChatGPT will try its best help you to understand the code.

function sumOfEvenNumbers(arr) {
  let sum = 0;

  for (let num of arr) {
    if (num % 2 === 0) {
      sum += num;

  return sum;

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
const result = sumOfEvenNumbers(numbers);
console.log(result); // Output: 30 (Sum of even numbers: 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 = 30)

Practice and Exploration

By interacting with ChatGPT, learners can practice coding and experiment with various code scenarios without making mistakes. This practice allowed them to do experiment with different scenarios and build confidence in their coding skills.

To understand this, Imagine a learner who is just starting to learn Javascript. He want to write a function that finds the largest number in an array of integers. However, he is not sure how to do it correctly.

Learner: “Hey ChatGPT, I want to write a function that finds the largest number in an array of integers. Can you show me an example of how to do it?”

ChatGPT: “Sure! Here’s a JavaScript code example to find the largest number in an array:

Coding With ChatGPT

In this example, the function findLargestNumber takes an array of numbers as input and initializes a variable largest to the first element of the array. Then, it loops through each number in the array and compares it to the current largest. If the current number is greater than the largest, it updates the value of largest. Finally, the function returns the largest number found in the array.”

Learner: “Thank you, ChatGPT! I understand the code now. Let me try it out in my own code editor.”

The learner copies the code provided by ChatGPT and tests it.

Last Words

Learning to use ChatGPT effectively opens up many opportunities for coding in the Artificial Intelligence era. With its advanced development, ChatGPT becomes a significant tool for all developers. By following thetips in this guide, you can start using ChatGPT for coding and improve your skills.

However, it is very important to be consider that AI should be used responsibly. We should use this technology in a way that will benifit everyone in the society positively. As exciting as AI can be, using it responsibly is crucial to make this world a better place.

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